Well it has been an interesting week to say the least. This picture was my first batch of Cashew Milk Yogurt ever. It was delicious!!!
I have never worked with agar agar before but it turns out beautiful yogurt. That was a bit too thick for me but that is okay in a smoothie it won't matter! I also just ate it layered with some grape nuts I had around here but perfect with granola. I had put in some chunked up peaches in this batch. I will need to work on the flavoring part of it a bit. I just turned out my second batch yesterday I of course forgot to get the agar agar working well so I reheated and WOW it thickened right up. A bit too much so I have some of the base in the fridge waiting for the next batch. The next batch will use some of the new batch as the culture and I will see if that works.
The machine is awesome!
I got the Cuisinart machine that also cools it down it is wonderful-- the yogurt that came out of this machine is like no other I have ever had. Easy to use, holds a LOT and worked perfectly. Takes 8 hours to culture then they say let it cool for 12 hours but I let it cool for a few hours then put it in the fridge. The taste is unbelievable. I have another yogurt maker but it is not like this one. I got this one at HSN.com on flex pay it is $129 plus shipping but still a wonderful machine. I have used it 3 times already in a week! It is also fairly small so it stays on the counter top.
The recipe for the yogurt will be coming as I need to tweak the agar agar a bit to get what I want and I think I need to strain the cashew milk, or soak the cashews(I am really bad for that one) anyway with cashews being so neutral in flavor they work the best.
What have you been cooking or making? It has been warm here so this makes a great dessert or smoothie, after it is done I was planning on adding it to some frozen bananas in my Dessert Bullet and see if I can get some frozen yogurt out of it. Alternating with yogurt and banana it should work.
I had better head out and get ready for work today it is very very hot in our building and yesterday my air conditioner died here so the house will get warm also. NOT FUN but I will survive.
Until next time
Keep it Plantiful
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